Compression Method Grounding Connectors save 50 – 75% of time and labour costs

  • Eliminates exothermic welding
  • Reduces time and labour costs
  • Minimizes possibility of poor connections

OEC introduces a method of compression to replace exothermic welding and its associated disadvantages. This compression method is designed to provide quick, reliable connections for grid grounding at significantly lower installed costs because compression connectors install in less time, in any weather, and are unaffected by moisture, reducing downtime. In addition, our compression connectors for grid grounding require no special training for installation. They are made of high-conductivity wrought and cast copper, and are used for connecting and tapping cross grid, loop lines and ground rods for direct burial or concrete embedded ground grid systems.

Meets all applicable specifications

OEC grid and ground rod connectors satisfy the requirements of CEC SECTION 10 for connecting to the Grounding Electrode System. They also meet the requirements of UL and CSA standards being acceptable as grounding and bonding equipment suitable for direct burial. OEC grid and ground rod connectors also satisfy the recommended practice for the selection of grounding connector joints described in IEEE 837 standard for qualifying permanent connections used in substation grounding. The connectors conform to the following IEEE Standard 837 requirements:

  • 350oC current cycling
  • Freeze-thaw test
  • Accelerated aging – nitric acid/salt spray
  • Mechanical, tensile and electromagnetic force (EMF) criteria
  • Install in any weather – cut downtime
  • Enhance safety
  • Easy to install – no special training