Neutral Links

  • Neutral bars are widely used in residential and commercial electrical service panels to terminate all those white 'neutral' or 'return' wires from the many load circuits in the building.
  • Neutral bars are simple mass wire termination devices that allow many wires to be terminated in one place, usually at the main service panel, in a small space and at low cost.
  • Brass Neutral bars are popular in many countries but conductivity of brass is about 28% that of copper while aluminum conductivity is 43% that of copper

Aluminium neutral bars

Aluminium neutral bars are manufactured from high strength aluminium

They are tin plated

Screws are plated and are made up of mild steel

They are for dual conductors ?9copper/aluminium

Copper neutral bars

Manufactured from high strength copper and furnished with plated steel screws

They are for copper conductor alloys

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